Thursday, October 31, 2013


It is important to not stereotype survivors of abuse. Bad things can happen to anyone. However, a common finding in research on female survivors of childhood sexual abuse is that those who undergo sexual victimization at a young age are two to three times more likely than their non-victimized peers to experience a sexual assault in adulthood (Herman, J. Trauma and Recovery: From domestic abuse to political terror, BasicBooks, USA, 1992). This is a phenomenon that researchers have called "revictimization," and is both perplexing and troublesome. 

Why does it happen?

Like in nearly all research surrounding abuse, there are no concrete answers. But, there are a few theories:

1. Under-developed boundaries: There are two predictors that can greatly increase a survivor's chances of being revictimized. These are 1) The younger the victim was at the time of the abuse, the more likely she will endure revictimization. 2) The more severe the abuse, the greater her chances are of revictimization. A possible explanation for these two factors is that the individual's ability to develop good boundaries has been severely compromised. When we are young, we are very vulnerable. We accept the world as it is presented to us. When a loved one abuses us, we accept it as normal. The more severely we are violated, the more damage is being done to our boundaries. 

2. Inaccurate "Danger Cue" Reading: In one study, some researchers found that those who reported revictimization were not as good as their non-victimized peers at identifying people who broke what they labeled "social contracts." In other words, they couldn't identify people who would likely do them harm. Another study presented its participants with a hypothetical dangerous situation. Those who had been victimized as children reported that they would leave after the situation became physical, while those who had never been victimized reported they would leave well before then. It has also been noted that the "cue-reading" works both ways. Those set out to victimize others are good at "reading" who will likely be a victim, and who will not. 

3. Coping Mechanisms and Adjustment Issues: I've mentioned in a previous post that survivors of sexual abuse have been robbed of their body-ownership. Because they have been treated so cruelly by others, they believe that their bodies are simply available to whoever wants them. Researchers have found that survivors of childhood sexual abuse are likely to engage in much higher amounts of consensual sex than those who have not been victimized. They are also more likely to self-medicate with alcohol. These both can make survivors more vulnerable to attacks. Also, the usage of coping mechanisms like denial, self-blame, and distancing from social relationships can increase a survivor's vulnerability. These can all decrease a survivor's sense of self-worth and her motivation and ability to protect herself.  

I think it's not just survivors of sexual abuse who can face revictimization. I went through emotional abuse as a child, and throughout my growing-up years I was constantly being pushed around. I believe that there are parallels between revictimization of both sexual abuse and other types of abuse, and they are worth studying. 

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